my first render edit

that is an excellent render snow. i like it how you replaced scorpion's head with a flaming skull head. i'll give it a 9.9/10
Wow, time for me to be an ass and bring everyone back to reality.

Neither of these are even good. They're decent attempts, but over rating someone's art the way you all have isn't going to inspire Snow here to expand upon his skills. It's going to make him think he is producing a Mona Lisa every time he opens up his editing program when in fact he isn't doing anything more spectacular than what a novice user with minimal knowledge of the program could do.

No offense, Snow. This just isn't anything worth the praise it's garnering.

Your Scorpion edit. How could you think that erasing the background with a wide swath of black would even remotely look good? The only bit of this edit that looks decent is the pre-fab skull you pasted in from some other pic. I'm guessing it was bordered by black and that is the reason for the use of black to cut out the background instead of cutting out the skull properly.

You turned down the opacity on the skull too much. You can see Scorpion's shoulder pad sticking through the jaw bone.

The fire effect looks more like a blurred light flash going across a camera than fire. It's too uniform for fire, make it more random. Fire is the release of energy using the most expediant route, which isn't the most uniform.

You also have this white line running through the middle of the background for no apparant reason.

The rest is all Factory MKSM render.

Little effort and ameteur (at best) results are the outcome.

The Snow edit.
A better attempt and some actual effort put forth here. The white is too bright. The only parts that should be lighted well are the arms and the eyes because they are permeable by the back light and have a glow effect respectively.

Look at the original and see how little the blue is highlighted. Only in a few places. The gold trim is lined too harshly. You obviously aren't using MS Paint but something with brightness/contrast and color changing controls. It should be advanced enough to feather and anti-alias to get rid of those jagged edges.

Also, the design running down the one shoulder piece doesn't contrast enough. It's like an ivory on a dirty white and draws attention away from the image so you're brain can decipher what it's looking at. Blend it in all the way or use it to your advantage and make it stick out more.

Again very little editing (albeit more than the Scorpion pic) involved here and the resulting edit is merely mediocre.

Keep practicing, and the rest of you give decent constructive criticism instead of the OMGZERgWTFLAWL1337|\|355aRoXXorw00ty!!!1 ratings that don't help but boost the guy's self esteem unnecessarily.

Thanks for listening to my endless rant.
The scorpion one:..The fire looks so fake

Sub-zero one:You only changed the color but that doesn't change a thing,you still get that cold feeling when you look at it,it looks like sub-zero on casual friday more than a diffrent character