Petition to Get NRS to Do the Last Gen Port Themselves

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New member
Well, I'm sure most of you here who were hanging on for the Last Gen port have heard the bad news that it has been Cancelled. This really sucks but all is not lost...yet. Something may still be able to be done, remember how long MK9 took to get on the Vita? And while it didn't 'Look Great' it was still hella fun. I have a feeling the same thing can apply here it's just that NRS need to do the port Themselves.

Here is a petition for NRS to do it Themselves. I am still working on the wording and will add an image later, I also understand that I may be beating a dead horse but it's worth a shot.

NRS Now have the time to do the port themselves, please if you care about the Last Gen Ports sign the bellow petition. Maybe if we get enough Support NRS can do it themselves and then IF they Fail we can accept they did All they Could.

Thanks Guys!

NRS is too busy with more DLC and future games. Resources and manpower can't be moved to make a couple people happy when the vast majority will want something new.
There's no need for this. None whatsoever. A canceled project is a cancelled project.

Start saving is all I have to say.
NRS straight up cancelled the project. No petition with any amount of signatures will create a last gen version.
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