MKX Collector book : only in France


New member
Hi Guys,

Don't know if it has been posted on forums yet, but i just got a mail from Micromania, a french videogame shop, and the picture show a MKX COLLECTOR BOOK (120 pages) if you pre-order the game at Micromania !!

Does anyone here have already heard about this ?? I'm really surprise and really happy... but s***, i've already preorder the game in another gameshop !!

Damnit! This is exactly the bs I called ... I'm in the same boat as you, I would definitely still cop it cuz info and
Dope concept art.. My problem is that the game should have been packaged better , I asked the gamestop lady if there was any collector's editions of mkx, she told me no....low and behold a week later I find out there's like 4 versions available(even the gamestops dont know sh!t) I just wish I could just get everything from the US in stead of finding information late nd the product having to be ordered internationally
Edit : apparently, it's not a real "MKX collector book" but much more a "MK retrospective collector book"... here is the summary and one more pic of the cover
