What are annoying things your parents do?


So I move to a new house. So today I clogged the toilet by accident so my mom got mad. I mean I had to go, what do you want from me? Then my dad went to get a plunger.

But then calls us all to talk with us. He was saying **** about How we don't respect the house. Even though I always have kept the house clean, even the other one for Christ sake! Then he says how I don't do anything to help out, because I spend time in my room. Even though I do a lot of writing, AND he knows that. So if you know I do constructive stuff, why would you say I don't?

So my parents are crazy. It's a nice house, but you don't have to tell me to take care of it. I have been doing that.

What do your parents do?
Despite the many frustrations I have with my parents, I respect their privacy enough to not complain about it on the internet.
My Mom is the kind of person that likes talking way too much. She always tells these long drawn-out stories about nothing with pointless details. I'm always having to rush her to the point because most of the time I don't even know what she's talking about or what her point is. I hate when anyone tells long boring stories about nothing. Get straight to the point.
Getting pissed off for asking a simple question. No need to flip your shit about it, seriously.
The attitude they give me when I tell them I'm going to my club. I don't need their approval just letting them know where I'm going. But it's all good though. We're all still cool.
We've only got your side and if they're that upset there has to be a reason. If you live with someone you need to respect their wishes. As someone who has to live with a step child who acts like he does nothing wrong I can see their point of view.

I don't see them as crazy, more fed up. If you are/were living in their house, especially as an adult you should/should have spent some of that writing time to help out.

My point is anger like that doesn't come out of no where. It must have built up over time.
We've only got your side and if they're that upset there has to be a reason. If you live with someone you need to respect their wishes. As someone who has to live with a step child who acts like he does nothing wrong I can see their point of view.

I don't see them as crazy, more fed up. If you are/were living in their house, especially as an adult you should/should have spent some of that writing time to help out.

My point is anger like that doesn't come out of no where. It must have built up over time.

This is precisely why I don't get frustrated with my mother when she explodes on me. I know there's a ton of stress built up from dealing with my younger siblings (and admittedly myself at times) so I let her explode on me when it becomes too much. Doesn't really bother me. I'll let her vent, give her a hug, and then go play DnD or something to relieve the stress myself.

My father, I have so such sympathy or respect for, but I do respect his privacy enough not to share anything beyond that.

I think that as kids we do need to make more of an effort to understand the stress our parents go through in raising children, particularly if their work is stressful, (my mom works three jobs, and as much as 12 hours every day just to pay for everybody's hobbies and xtracurricular activities) or you have siblings and such.

That being said, I think parents need to understand that as kids we can't always understand what they're going through, or the stress that they've built up over time, and I think they also need to realize that when they let it all out over something small like that, we're not going to understand it at all, and it's probably just going to build resentment. You'd all be incredibly surprised by how much just trying to talk things through normally will help instead of letting it all just build up until it explodes.

And with THAT being said, just because you're used to me doing things for you doesn't give you the right to be mad at me when I'm not around to do them.
I hate being given tasks at the last minute..... like copying/printing important papers (we no longer have a functioning printer) when facilities are starting to close.
I love my parents, but, damn, I hated how my dad would get mad when me and my brothers would clean the house. What kind of parent gets mad at that?? he thought we always lost his stuff when all we did was put it in neat piles where he left it, lol.