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Few interesting things for those who didn't yet know.

When I last saw the game, one of my biggest worries was that the stage interactables would break game balance. Thematically, superheroes knocking each others across the map makes sense, but the implications of what it could do to game balance was unsettling. Thankfully, NetherRealm has confirmed that you can easily turn them off from the stage select screen.

To cover additional bases, Injustice is also being built with a self-patching feature. You may remember that all of the game's frame data and damage values are displayed in the menu. "Without going through a full approval process through Microsoft and Sony, we can patch all the data value in this game," Urbano continues.

"Stuff like damage done, frame inputs, lag delay -- you name it, we can change it and have it live with only 24 hours' notice to Sony and Microsoft.

Pressing start now brings up a quick reference list. The list is a short compilation of easier-to-do moves and some super moves, but its real utility is in just how customizable it is. You can tag attacks from the full moves list on to your quick reference, and even display them during a fight. In game, the list is tucked away just below your health bar, so it's not at all intrusive. And yes, the directional inputs adjust to your fighters position.

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