Kabal cosplay ideas....

Unrelated to this thread but you once asked me a good tournament to go to?

If you choose one you should go to MLG dallas.

I have almost zero idea for how you can do the mask. Besides making a mold for it.


I've never made anything like that. Maybe I could learn. That mask on eBay is alright, needs a better paint job. WTF is up with his arms? That looks like crap. $120 is a bit pricey for that quality though...






You can Mod these to fit...
Those look pretty badass but they don't look like Kabal to me. The last one could work. I wish the eyes were smaller, and the mouth could be cut out and replaced with that respirator that I posted.
Yeah, true. I missed that respirator I posted D: I blame the jacuzzi and free booze. It's alright though, I might even find a better one.