Comic book and Manga thread

There's going to be a new series coming out that features Hawkeye and Venom teaming up against Carnage. I am too excited for this. I read about it in this local paper that you can get at the comic book store I go to.
So I'm making good use of my MDCU subscription. I'm reading a few of the older comics so I can have a decent understanding of past events. I'm reading the Avengers: The Initiative series, which takes place during the Civil War arc.

But on to the main point: Theres a hero on the team named Dragon Lord; his power is the ability to talk to dragons :rofl:

I might be the only one that finds that funny, but come on, really?
:rofl: Yung

Ok, I read a little further and according to Tasky he conjures them by mixing chemicals in some cauldron thingy; it isn't too bad I guess. So he basically summons them... he still has to change that name though :laugh: