Mortal Kombat HD Remix with MUGEN

That is SIIICCCKKKK Bleed! Amazing stuff. Any update on how the lightning animation is working out for you? Will be very interesting to see how your solution will look.
Hi uKER. Thanks for the feedback. The reason I drew him like that, although awkward, is how scorpion throws his spear in MK1, from his Trailing hand & leg.
For artistic purposes this could be changed, but well it kind of gives the impression of "in motion" IMO. Would anybody else like to see the stance changed?

You can call me crazy, but that sprite looks as if the bottom part was of a picture of him throwing the spear while facing the camera instead of away from it, like his hips are rotated in an impossible way.
I mean, you're seeing the guy's back and the front of his shin at the same time!

Just try covering the sprite from the waist up and let your brain do its thing.

The twist motion is a natural way to throw something, think soft ball, bowling, punch, baseball pitch, running.

It's more unusual to throw something with the lead arm and leg on the same side, like a Frisbee.
I really don't see where you're coming from with hips and shin being in the impossible way? Are you confused by the legs? The leg behind is his right one, the one in front is his left one. Maybe I'm missing something but the pose doesn't look unnatural at all:

The twist motion is a natural way to throw something, think soft ball, bowling, punch, baseball pitch, running.

It's more unusual to throw something with the lead arm and leg on the same side, like a Frisbee.
Er, yeah, I'd compare the kunai throwing thing to a punch.
However, you're wrong about the feet.
Whenever someone intends to throw a single punch, the hitting hand and the leading foot are on the same side, not opposite.

la_luna, I do understand how it's supposed to work, but until a minute ago I still couldn't get my head around him having the throwing hand and the leading foot on the same side.
Just try it yourself. Stand facing your imaginary opponent and enact the spear throwing. The foot that will go forward will be the one on the same side as your throwing arm. It's a matter of balance.
The awkwardness comes from the sideways initial pose, and him not moving his feet on the ground, only rotating them.

So yeah, the opposed limbs are right.
Now, the rearmost foot should stand on the ball of the foot, not fully flat, and the front foot should be almost perpendicular to the arm if seen from above.
Again, you have to remember he starts from a pose where he is standing sideways to his opponent, not facing him.
Er, yeah, I'd compare the kunai throwing thing to a punch.
However, you're wrong about the feet.
Whenever someone intends to throw a single punch, the hitting hand and the leading foot are on the same side, not opposite.

la_luna, I do understand how it's supposed to work, but until a minute ago I still couldn't get my head around him having the throwing hand and the leading foot on the same side.
Just try it yourself. Stand facing your imaginary opponent and enact the spear throwing. The foot that will go forward will be the one on the same side as your throwing arm. It's a matter of balance.
The awkwardness comes from the sideways initial pose, and him not moving his feet on the ground, only rotating them.

So yeah, the opposed limbs are right.
Now, the rearmost foot should stand on the ball of the foot, not fully flat, and the front foot should be almost perpendicular to the arm if seen from above.
Again, you have to remember he starts from a pose where he is standing sideways to his opponent, not facing him.


His right foot is on it's ball and not flat, however not easily seen due to the angle of the perspective I used. I will try to make it more apparent. I agree about the front foot and I will adjust the angle to be parallel to the throwing arm and see from there. Thanks for the Crit...
The foot should be perpendicular to the arm, not parallel. :p

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Would that be the front foot perpendicular or the trailing (back) foot? If its the back foot I agree, the front will be awkward at a 90 degree angle to the arm? Correct me if i'm wrong...
Now that Uker point that out in your illustration, I can't unsee it, lol.
I would make the rear foot stand on the ball of his foot and that should look better.
Would that be the front foot perpendicular or the trailing (back) foot? If its the back foot I agree, the front will be awkward at a 90 degree angle to the arm? Correct me if i'm wrong...
Weird as it may seem, I recommend that you act it out yourself. :)

Stand in Scorpion's idle pose, in which your left shoulder points in the direction of your opponent. Your feet are, of course, mostly perpendicular to that direction.
Now with your right arm enact the action of throwing the spear.
Now, your right foot (trailing) should be on its ball, and the left one (leading) should have remained stuck to the floor, and if seen from above should be pretty much perpendicular to the spear-throwing arm.

That's what was playing with my brain about the actor's back and the front of his shin being visible at the same time until I remembered about the sideways initial pose and understood how twisted that foot is supposed to be.
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Morning all. Thanks for the advice from uKER; Arq and La Luna. Definitely some more to think about... I will take the images and pointers as some reference points and apply them to my illustration. I should have something to show in a few days.
Eh, I keep side tracking...

Base model for Motaro.

That looks great bleed. A real bad MOFO! lol. Just one thing, his hind legs (upper) on the 3/4 view (Second from left), look a little thin. Maybe it's just me or the angle of the shot? Great work otherwise sir.