Mortal Kombat HD Remix with MUGEN

Might be near complete. The one thing that stands out is the shape of the chest. The bottom part looks too rounded. It would be better angled downwards from the middle without the curve, and then curve upwards.
K. More angular chest:

haha no worries.

I think they only did that with Sheeva for MK9. In part 3, she had it kinda around her hair at the top of her head:


It seems like it just up to the artist's own interpretation. Personally, I liked Tobias's version which is what I based mine on. His spikes even went all the way down the spine.

Fireball: Goro shoots a green fireball from his arm. This attack is stronger than most projectiles, just like his physical attacks

Leaping Stomp: Goro jumps off the screen and lands on the opponent much like Kintaro and Sheeva. However, in the original Mortal Kombat he does not jump all the way off the screen, he only jumps the height of a normal jump. This is also known simply as Stomp in MK

Chest Pound: Grabbing his opponents with his lower arms, Goro then pounds them with his upper arms, shaving of a good portion of his opponent's life.

Taunt: Goro will flex his upper arms and taunt the opponent. This can be used as an opening to strike Goro, as it does nothing else.
Leon, Jarvis speaks like a leader of this project because he is. He has contributed not just his ideas, but his talents in redoing the UI/Music. I haven't seen you contribute anything but your opinion. That's fine, but don't single out Jarvis. He doesn't make decisions for the entire group but he's most certainly an influence. It's kind of obvious you have a problem with him at this point and frankly I'm growing tiresome of your sarcastic, arrogant posts. If you disagree, this is an open forum, back up your argument and people will listen. Attacking people on the team is no way to make this project better though.

I have right to post my opinion and used it.. Know your problem, Jarvis. You often speak like leader of project.)

They wanted glory and kind critique, indeed.
That's a bit much but I see what you mean. I'm trying though for the natural protrusion look. Kind of like a rhino or deer. The skin around the horns on the animal don't seem as disturbed as those horns.
Well, so let me tell something to the guy that will make kano...the thing that he have is not bullets but a bag or something

and something that i am wondering...will it be the SD vs stance image or a remaded one?

I love this version than that of brown thingy . . Those updated materials make him look more like a techno thug . .

I'ts interesting how that pic above has the MK3 utility belt yet white underneath instead of black with red trim. Nor does it have the red arm guards. Perhaps it was meant for MKT?

Nope, MK1 and MKT has the same sprites of kano , I think was taken in the year 1995, when making MK3, you can see the resolution of the pic .

sorry folks, all characters will be exactly like the MK1, no exceptions.

No mix between MKs. It's MK1 with HD graphics. nothing more.

hope you guys understand :)

Hmmmm . . . I thought this was going to be a "remix" ? It's more like a "redo" than a ''remake'' or "remix" . . No offense . . :D

Honestly not making as much progress as I would like. Kept running into issues with zbrush and maya, but nothing too serious. Here is a quick update:


EDIT: Still not happy with the back and legs. And hands for that matter. He also has a bit of a monkey face. Not too sure about those areas of the sculpt.

Woah! That's one awful hand out there, but don't worry, there is still a lot more time . . Keep it up !

Working on collar bone now. Tried to clean up ape face. Any better?


I will play around with what you said about the scales, heavier on back to lighter front. Thanks.

Awwhhh Yeah ! ! 8-)

K. More angular chest:


Sexy . . haha! !

I'm actually satisfied with the head sculpt:


Menacing man ! ! cool! Keep up the good work ! !
Hi Mortal Gojira,

Love the face, I think you could probably keep detailing it, but when it's rendered it will probably be impossible to see those extra details. I know some people are saying to keep the proportions different than the clay sculpt but I disagree. His super huge upper body torso and small legs in comparison are recognizable. He's supposed to have super hero proportions. In fact I'd say his abs could show just a little bit more definition and then I'd be about ready to call his sculpt done. Great work! It's going to call come down to the SSS shader you use, the texturing details you apply to make his skin look dirty, and how well a job do you at rigging/animating him.

To me he's just about done. Again it's only need a bit more definition in the abs and I'd call it good to go.

I'm actually satisfied with the head sculpt:

Very much appreciate all the input. Will definitely revise it all asap. I can address these though:

I'll work with the scaled look. May not see much during combat, but I'm hoping we all can include some wallpaper type screenshots that will show off the detail. Maybe a montage with all the renders showing of our work or something.

I'm meeting all halfway with the legs. I've enlarged them, but not too much. Its definitely not as small, but are bigger.

Will keep detailing the face. In fact, will have as much detail as possible to have a quality model.

Now, i can't sleep for crap, so was killing time tiring my brain working on this. Hope you all enjoy :)


EDIT: Changed background. Couldn't look at it anymore without getting a headache
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Very much appreciate all the input. Will definitely revise it all asap. I can address these though:

I'll work with the scaled look. May not see much during combat, but I'm hoping we all can include some wallpaper type screenshots that will show off the detail. Maybe a montage with all the renders showing of our work or something.

I'm meeting all halfway with the legs. I've enlarged them, but not too much. Its definitely not as small, but are bigger.

Will keep detailing the face. In fact, will have as much detail as possible to have a quality model.

Now, i can't sleep for crap, so was killing time tiring my brain working on this. Hope you all enjoy :)


*Slow Clap*

Looks great man. That last head shot you posted really nailed the vibe of this pic. Props!

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Very much appreciate all the input. Will definitely revise it all asap. I can address these though:

I'll work with the scaled look. May not see much during combat, but I'm hoping we all can include some wallpaper type screenshots that will show off the detail. Maybe a montage with all the renders showing of our work or something.

I'm meeting all halfway with the legs. I've enlarged them, but not too much. Its definitely not as small, but are bigger.

Will keep detailing the face. In fact, will have as much detail as possible to have a quality model.

Now, i can't sleep for crap, so was killing time tiring my brain working on this. Hope you all enjoy :)


OH MY GOD ! ! ! Call a doctor please! My nose can't stop bleeding ! ! Great work man! It feels like I'm the Hi-tech version of 1992 . . !
(playing in MK1 Theme) Na na na na na na na na na naaaaa ! ! ! GORO LIVES ! ! ! ! And lived again ! !


If anyone wants to react, pls. make a sound . . .
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@ tremor and justin

haha very much appreciate that, thank you. Think I need to change the background though. Makes me crazy dizzy.


Yeah, there was a brief discussion about that. Thought was very cool of them to acknowledge praise the fans' appreciation and hard work.