

New member
I've unlocked all the arenas now (I believe), but I had a question about two specific ones. The dragon temple, on the screenshot of this arena, there is a line of fire going down the middle, but I don't see this when I play, is there a way to get the fire burning? Also, Quan Chi's fortress, the screenshot shows a the small circle area (where I play) but also a long stretch of what seems to be playable area, is there a way to fight there as well?
Ive thought the same thing.... about the fire... quan chi's is only playable on the circled area platform... try to stay away from the edge though.... chop-suwi....
The fire is just something added post production, or not fully realised during the development of the game.

Maybe it was there and they decided to take it out because too many boards had death traps (thats how I feel anyway) but the board you refer to does not have a death trap.

An easy way to check is while doing practice or 2-player mode. Go into the screen select and look at the icons on the bottom of the level. An axe means there is a weapon on the board you can use, a skull denotes a death trap is present and an arrow lets you know that the arena has multiple levels to it.