[Suggestion] Tag team KOTH?


New member
So I've been wondering if it would be a good idea to have a King of the Hill(KOTH) mode but with 2v2's instead of 1v1's? Will it make the online more laggier than it already is by adding this to KOTH? I'm not a Tag Team kind of person but I think it would be a nice addition to the Online multiplayer. Discuss.
So I've been wondering if it would be a good idea to have a King of the Hill(KOTH) mode but with 2v2's instead of 1v1's? Will it make the online more laggier than it already is by adding this to KOTH? I'm not a Tag Team kind of person but I think it would be a nice addition to the Online multiplayer. Discuss.

i appreciate someone stepping in atleast once a day to let us know the online lag is still killing this game. makes me feel not so bad for not having gotten online yet with this game and enjoying the single player. makes you feel somewhat better to know your missing out on nothing but frustration right now.