Smoke Combo - Help

Smoke's Homie

New member
Could someone help me with a nice Smoke combo? I feel that I have the vey beginning of one down, but I have never really been an insane combo-man.

If anybody could give me some pointers, I would greatly appreciate it.
Taken from my strategy guide:
Intermediate Combos:

Combo C (6 hits)
A/X, Down+X/Square, Y/Triangle, Jump Kick, Smoke Teleport

Expert Combos:

Combo C (11 hits)
Jump Punch, Y/Triangle, X/Square, Smoke Cloud, Neutral Jump Punch, Jump Kick, Air Throw

Most ones I do usually I end up branching an X/Square, X/Square combo into a Smoke Cloud and then I jump up into an air throw. There are quite a few of his you can do with branching special moves together.