Hardest/Cheapest final boss fight in a Video Game?

Hardest???? Look no further than the second boss in Ninja Gaiden II. Spent several days trying to beat him and when I did, it was one of the most fulfilling moments in my gaming career.
I found Seth pretty cheap in SF4. But then again, I was never really good at the game. I couldn't even beat him on easiest. D:
In the 90' you needed practically 2 weeks of money savings in coins to beat a boss like this one at the arcades. Hardcore dude.


Seth has an easy pattern, stay away from him, after he throws 2-3 sonic booms he'll wall jump at you. Punish him with an anti-air move/super/ultra. You can even absorb 2-3 sonic booms with focus attack and build your ultra meter.
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I second the vote for Ndesu. That mother f*#*er took me forever to beat on professional. It was at least 2 or three hours. It wasn't that he was that difficult in retrospect. But, you had to have an exact grasp of his patterns. But, he wasn't necessarily "cheap." By far the cheapest boss I can remember fighting recently is Motaro on the iPhone version of UMK3. His cheapness is unrivaled. First off the glitchy controls don't help anything. Then he glitchily jumps around the screen kicking you, in a manner that, at times, is simply impossible to avoid. Then your dead. The only way to beat him is by being cheaper than he is, like doing a bunch of repetitive jump kicks and hoping to get lucky.
The hardest boss I've ever played in a game was ALPHA-152 from Dead or Alive 4. Not only did it continuously use unblockable combos that quickly took off 30-80% of your lifebar, there was only two difficulties in the game: Normal and Hard. No Easy mode to tone it down, so you had to beat that thing on Insane (Normal) or As Close To Impossible As You Will Ever Get In This World (Hard)
Nemesis -Resident Evil 3
Mr X - Resident Evil 2
Willard - Tomb Raider 3 [he NEVER misses with his instant kill projectile]
Lu Bu- Dynasty Warriors 3 Chaos Mode [fresh charactor stats no upgrades]
Salizar Transformed - Resident Evil 4
Lozarovic - Uncharted 2 Crushing
Zeus - God of War 2
Hades - God of War 3[titan mode]
Cerberus -God of War 3 [titan mode]
TALOS - Resident Evil Umbrella Chronicles
OMG the Apostle of Creation on Star Ocean 4 takes the cake in all my years of playing video games, it literally took me 47 mins to just beat him, not only that he has 2 forms, the first form was a SOB but the second one was OVERKILL, not to mention the fact if you loose to the second form you start all the way over to the first form...... did i mention i was playing on easy? there were Easy, Medium, Hard, and Super Hard

never again.......