Should "Parry" from MKA return to MK9?


New member
Should "Parry" from MKA return to MK9 as a away to stop combos like Kung lao's MK9 Combo

Look at this video
@ 0:22 Look at Sub-Zero when he gets up. Should that return to MK9 or something similar cause that thing they do when they hit the ground from MK8 is so 2002
Re: ?

i like when they do cool shi* when they get up. And no! parrying is dumb, breaker is all you need.
Re: ?

I would only support a parry if it could lead into a combo, because timing a move to do zero damage and only knock them on their asses is just stupid...
Hey Z,

I edited your title so people know what the thread is for. Please put it an actual title next time, ya silly goose ;P
The special move parries in MKvsDCU were cool, like Sub's ice parry, wihich is back by the way, or Joker and the shocking hand, or whatever it's called. But like in MKA? Nooo!

As for get ups, it would be cool, since they are already showing cool different stuff for each characters in intros and winning poses, but it's bot that big deal for me.
i didnt play MK8 SO IDINT NOE parry was in there
parry should return with a combo
Ex. FIRST a parry then kung lao's Punch combo from MKSM where he punches u 3 times
No parries, there was too much defense going on in MK:A first you have a parry that leaves your opponent vulnerable, on top of breakers.