Question about the the White Lotus Society?

Tenkai Hayabusa

New member
Hey, I was just thinking the other day about the origins of liu kang and kung lao. From what I understand, they are both members of the white lotus society, yet at the same time they are shaolin monks...Arent these supposed to be two different societies? Could someone please elaborate, much appreciated:hmmmm:
The White Lotus Society was created by Raiden AND The Shaolin Monks, its a warrior society meant to protect earthrealm. Anyone can be in the society, not just shaolin monks.
I googled it. apparently the white lotus was another Buddhist group. that was fictionalized in mortal kombat. both lui kang and kung lao are from the white lotus but represent shaolin in the earthrealm tournament. at least that is my understanding of it. I could be wrong.

EDIT* okay I went online and found this; it is the print out of the booklet that came with MK1 for snes. hope it helps
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Thank you for the info guys!!!!! I just thought that both societies might be different as they are seen differently in other series, such as Kill Bill (Pai Mei being from the White Lotus and being involved in the masscre of the Shaolin Temple) But as Taj mentioned, its different in the MK series