Another Artwork Contest?

It should be starting soon, we're still getting details together and didn't want to start until after the new year.

There will be prizes, those are still being finalized.

It will also kinda be MK related, but you'll have freedom to go another way if you'd want as well.
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I can't wait to start this! This is my first contest here! (Kinda sad when you think about it...)
Well it'll be a Photoshop/Fake image contest with a twist. I was going to start it next week, but now with the Play with MK Developers thing going on this Friday I think I'm going to post-pone it until a better time.

We're also trying to make it so we give you guys good prizes, and are still working out the final details there. Autographed Ed Boon posters WILL be awarded for the top 5 winners for sure, the grand prize is the one that is up in the air at the moment.