Mortal Kombat 5 Mythologies Sub-Zero Sega Genesis Port on EBAY

like I said in the shoutbox, I've played a rom and wouldn't touch it with a shitty stick. This isn't official, but it isn't illegal due to the PD status of the game.
MKM wasn't a bad game. It wasn't as good as some, but it certainly wasn't bad. If I can get through something and enjoy it as much as I did MKM I can't call it a bad game.

However, let me go into this concept of a "bad" game. I got into this argument a couple years ago while standing in line for the Wii. I don't like to use the phrase "bad game" in general simply because "bad" is a quantitative analysis. I prefer to say "I didn't like *blank*" as opposed to "*blank* is a bad game*" or "*blank* sucked". Because that's an opinion which doesn't judge others based on their like of some game/genre/character/etc.

Hell, I've played and loved plenty of games that were commonly considered "bad". Off the top of my head, Custom Robo Battle Revolution for the GCN and Star Wars Episode III the Video Game for Xbox 1. The former got a 6/10 and the latter a 4.5/10. But I don't consider either of them "bad" because I was able to so greatly enjoy them.

The way I see it, nobody can call any game "bad" if there are people who genuinely enjoy it. That's the point of a game after all isn't it?

That argument aside, the Genesis bootleg of MKM is BAD. It's a poor port. Low quality over all. To say nothing of the game, which I think is good.
It may be terrible, but I bought the stupid thing! LOL

$32 for a rare piece of crap. I don't even own a Genesis!
Man this is an epic event; someone shamefully admits they had a copy to even part with in the first place! XD
I'd happily buy this "bad" game on account that I've never actually played it. I've heard nothing but bad things about it, but I'd love to give it a test drive and find out for myself. Unfortunately I can't buy it though, because A: I live in a world where the Genesis is the Megadrive, so it wouldn't play in my system, and B: I don't believe in buying stuff online.
Well if you've heard nothing but bad things you've never talked to me. I love that game! But for god's sake DON'T get the genesis port! It's an N64/PSone game ported to a previous generation of consoles! Of course it's horrible!
I have the ps1 version. I like it and I play it from time to time. It has a very interesting story and I like the characters. When the news of Armageddon went out and that poster with all the characters appeared, I was happy to see Sareena, but I'd like to see the others. The brothers of the shadow and the gods (or elements).
For me, the only thing I complain is the difficulty. I think the game is too hard and I never saw the end without cheats. Yes, it's very sad, I know...
I got the first one from eBay, but it had no case. It's clearly a modded cartridge as it's just a sticker on it, not too professionally made or anything. I don't have a Genesis to play it on, so just get to look at it. ;)
I too never beat the game without the 1000 lives cheat. I also never saw the alternate final boss fight (though I came very close once). It requires something like 6 rejuvenation urns (which I had) and I was all ready to finish him off...but then I accidentally slid too close to the portal and *poof*. Hours and hours of work wasted.

You see, at the time I didn't have a save-pack for my N64 so I had to play the whole game in one sitting. Did this about 4 times.
Well if you've heard nothing but bad things you've never talked to me. I love that game! But for god's sake DON'T get the genesis port! It's an N64/PSone game ported to a previous generation of consoles! Of course it's horrible!

Even if I was to buy the dodgey Genesis port, it wouldn't play in my system anyway, because mine is a european Megadrive. For some reason I didn't realize it was a PS1 game. I almost remember it be released too early for it to be appear on the PS1. It's strange how memories play tricks like that.
I never saw that fight as well. Actually, I didn't even know about it. lol
But I'm not a good player, I'm always falling. I must die at least six or seven times before the fight with Fujin. And then I must beat him four or five times before I can escape his final attack. Sometimes I just want to smash my controller against the floor. It’s very frustrating, but I like to play once in a while.
im still stuck at that level 4 maze stuff in the water.
but i have a reason tho. I swor to finish the game in hard :)
the water there seem to have some electric enemys